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C O L' S B U F F A L O G I R L
"Buffalo' is a forward mover on the trails and a love bug on the ground. She is a hair shy of 15hh and double registered ABC P 1995F, ICHO/ NACR 222-D; date of birth: 6-14-1995. "Buffalo" is offered to a rider who: would like to play in the arena and move out on the trails over challenging terrain, water crossings, low natural fences. She is a beautiful honey dun mare with a black and blonde bi-colored mane and tail. Happy to have transitioned back to a riding horse after giving us several handsome babies, "Buffalo" was a favorite riding horse of mine before her career as a brood mare. If you are looking for a sensible mature horse who responds beautifully to your seat aids; will give you turns on the forehand and haunches, lateral work in the arena; AND is a forward moving dream on the trails... Buffalo is the girl. Whether you are looking to spend time with her in an On Farm Lease here at RHF, or you are looking to purchase this sweet mare as your own partner- call the farm for more information.
S O L D - We are so pleased to have Buffalo staying on at the farm, and pampered by a loving mom. They're playing in the arena and out enjoying the trails!