Sept. 2005 bay Morgan x Draft Sport Horse gelding. We purchased John as we watched him in awe, trotting at his mother's side across a field at dusk. He has proven to be one of the most balanced and responsive horses that we have started. He is currently working in the arena walk / trot on the 20m circle, trotting cavaletti, leg yield, and has just begun canter work. Jon's early canter is balanced and controlled; and should evolve into a beautiful cadenced canter. He has been out on the trails over the course of the winter, covering varied terrain with stream crossings, and walking low obstacles since last summer. If you are looking for a kind dressage prospect started gradually with a breathtaking trot; or a confident athletic trail partner -- here he is. John is uphill, correct, and has an unflappable temperament -- a rare and wonderful find. He is a truly majestic mount for a small, discerning rider. American Warmblood Society eligible. S O L D
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