RHF is an experienced privately owned boarding/ training facility. Enjoy:  a beautiful new indoor with state of the art geo textile footing,                 an outdoor dressage arena, an extreme trail challenge obstacle course, and a lovely trail course over varying terrain with natural fences;
On Farm Lease Horses; a one of a kind competition in a striking landscape; private instruction;
clinics and workshops that nurture creativity and improve the connection between horse and rider..... 
We invite you with open arms to our unique facility.
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Join us and enjoy reduced rates for:
instruction, clinics, workshops, extreme trail competitions, drill team sessions.....
Available to our boarders, leasing students, and horses in training at RHF -
We  Train  client's horses and our sale horses, to be confident and to enjoy the many benefits of our strong cross training and dressage program. We start youngsters gradually with: Natural Horsemanship groundwork; Classical Dressage training in hand; and when we have a horse going well & safely under saddle with confidence - we add cross training on our trail course.  Whether you:  need your young horse started; would like to add Trail skills; dream of a horse trained for Extreme Trail Challenges;  would like to improve your horse's suppleness & balance, or add Dressage skills to your horse's repertoire; increase the connection between you and your horse with the Art Of Garrocha; or simply dream of a more Sensitive dance partner - we offer a range of options:  the monthly cost for Training 2 Days Per Week is $400 (*in addition to board);  Training 4 Days Per Week is $800 (*in addition to board). Enjoy the flexibility in your training program by substituting some of the training sessions with private lessons at no additional cost! 
We schedule reservations on a first come first serve basis for a limited number of horses coming in for Training.
RUNNING  HORSE  FARM is located in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains of Northern New York. We are a small teaching, training, and boarding facility with roots in Dressage, Natural Horsemanship, Centered Riding(c), and Competitive Trail.
We are very pleased to announce our new Indoor Arena- 70 x 144 with State Of The Art Geo Textile Dust Free Footing.
Boarders and Leasing Students also enjoy our wonderful Trail Network that winds through over 50 acres of: meadows, wooded areas of mature pine, hardwoods, & aromatic red cedar, hill climbs and descents with beautiful Adirondack vistas; take your horse for a drink in the Rocky Branch Brook; play with natural jumps and obstacles.....and you will never be crossing a road.  CLICK HERE TO VIEW TRAIL PHOTOS.
We also enjoy two outdoor arenas, including a play area to de-sensitize with obstacles and for training for Extreme Trail Challenges.
We offer Private Instruction to riders interested in both work in hand and under saddle. Marla's riding is rooted in the disciplines and principals of:  Classical & Competitive Dressage;  Centered Riding; Natural Horsemanship;  Competitive Trail;  and Hunt seat as a youngster.
Whether you are seeking to: increase your Dressage skills;  learn to work your horse on long lines or the longe; increase your horse's sensitivity to your aids under saddle; add lateral work to your repertoire; learn basic Natural Horsemanship skills; learn the Art Of Garrocha; or improve trail skills for pleasure, Competitive Trail, as well as Obstacle Course mastery, our approach to instruction is to provide an understanding of the training method that will allow the student to be capable ultimately of training a horse from the ground up.     Private Lessons are 45 minutes (they often go longer) for boarders and leasing students- $60.  Private instruction is $75 for non-boarders and non-leasing students.  Call to customize a long or short term program for your horse that will consist of both training and private lessons.....                           *Lessons must be cancelled with minimum of 24 hr notice by phone call or in person, or you are responsible for payment.         
Our  Extreme Trail Challenge Series  of competition reflects our cross training program. The course involves beautiful varied terrain over our 55 acres of course with an Extreme Trail Obstacle Course. The horses that attend our Series include a wonderful variety of breeds; and the riders that compete vary in age and disciplines. The course is designed to be ridden by both the competitive rider as well as the trainer looking for a positive schooling environment for the green horse.    ********Go to our  "EVENTS" Page  for competition dates.     In process of updating our "PHOTO GALLERY" .
We  offer  For Sale  rare, hardy, athletic Lusitano x American Bashkir  Sporthorses & Warmbloods bred for competition, versatility, and temperament. Our horses live in herd groups in pastures of varied terrain including woods and some water crossings. This lifestyle provides our horses with a strong foundation of appropriate social skills that can only develop within a herd group, and establishes trail sense and agility  for future training. When our horses come of training age, they are schooled gradually on the ground employing methods from: natural horsemanship, longing with side reins, and schooling with long lines;  and then in the arena, on the trail, and in close proximity to other horses in informal Drill Team Sessions to shape equine athletes balanced both physically as well as mentally. If you are interested in a horse to work cows - while started with Dressage training, our horses are responsive to the rider's aids and are comfortable around cattle by being raised and schooled around our small herd of naturally raised Herefords. We are breeding and preparing personable hardy athletes with solid foundations to pursue any future discipline; and offer some of our foals for sale in utero by deposit. We encourage our buyers to experience their future partner's training from the ground up, by designing a full Day or Weekend of Private Instruction tailor made to your interests and needs.
Whether you are looking for full service or retirement board, board with instruction or schooling, come and enjoy our unique facility. Monthly Board is $580 and includes a stall with 24hr  turnout, quality grain and hay, and heated water buckets during the winter months. (*Call for feed and bedding options/ details.)  We are happy to feed supplements when required, (supplied by the boarder) am & pm at no additional charge. Store your tack, and enjoy a cool drink in the summer heat, or warm up with a cup of coffee or tea and conversation in our heated tack room during the wintry season.   Stall space is limited and available on a first come first serve basis. We also have a 2 stall horse barn with turnout available on a first come first serve basis.
With our farm's focus on Education, boarders are required to take a minimum of 2 Private Lessons with Marla per month;  the $120 payment for both lessons is due with the Board Payment before the 1st of each month, and it is the responsibility of the boarder to schedule her or his lessons in a timely manor each month. If you would like to customize a more intensive lesson or training program, please call to discuss your goals and dreams.                                                         
***For additional services  call to discuss your horse's needs.     VISIT EVENTS PAGE
***On Farm Lease Program:   Enjoy the pleasures of having a horse;  while we continue to care for the horse's needs at our facility.  This is a great way to improve your riding skills, and to enjoy our facility and events. We are happy to offer horses for lease to committed riders when a horse becomes available; and rider and horse are a good "fit".  Enjoy your On Farm Lease Horse and join us:  in drill sessions; on the trails; take advantage of Private Lessons at reduced rates.... Call us to customize an On Farm Lease Package to your optimize your riding needs.

Visit our EVENTS PAGE for Art and Horses workshops. We also custom design birthday and special event days at the farm. Call us to create a day where your guests will enjoy the special occasion and be inspired by the beauty in animals and the natural world around us. They may experiment: with life drawing from animal models on the farm & working from photographs; play with collage as a creative form of expression; or enjoy the process of working with color and found objects that we collect treasure hunting on the farm. Be creative- and call us in advance to begin organizing your event to be remembered.
R H F  &  R H F I  FOALS
Farm Hours and Farm Rules
are posted in our tack room.
Safety Comes First-
We hope that you enjoyed visiting our site.  
Feel free to contact us if you would like additional information, or to schedule a farm visit -